Ginny Marvin says, “Internet revenues surpassed another record high in the first half of 2016 to hit $32.7 billion, according to the IAB report conducted by PwC. That’s a 19-percent increase over the $27.5 billion reported for the first half of 2015. Digital growth is outpacing other media when compared to Nielsen data, thanks to mobile.

Mobile ad revenues jumped 89 percent year over year to $15.5 billion in the first half of 2016. Mobile represented 47 percent of all internet ad revenues, up from 30 percent a year ago. Mobile growth has consistently been in double digits since 2012 and has seen increases across all formats this year:

  • Mobile search revenues increased 105 percent to 7.4 billion.
  • Mobile video rose 178 percent to 1.6 billion.
  • Mobile display banner ad revenue rose 62 percent to 6 billion”.

IAB: Mobile made up nearly half of $32.7 billion record internet revenues in first half of 2016

Marketing Land

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