James Green says, “Navigating change in anything is never easy. Change requires of us new ways of thinking and doing that we may not have prepared for or expected. Nevertheless, change is here to stay, and fighting it is futile.

This brings me to holiday shopping. Yes, holiday shopping. Over the past few years, we’ve seen some big changes, primarily in the way people shop and the way that brands market throughout this busy time of year. Since we know we can’t fight change, let’s try to manage it.

This last day of free shipping has almost become a national retail holiday, mobile devices have become more transactional, and marketing is getting more personal. The biggest sales opportunities continue to revolve around big deal-oriented days like Green Monday or larger weekends like Black Friday through Cyber Monday.

We’ve seen new trends take shape around these high-traffic periods. People now start their holiday shopping earlier and earlier each year, with only nine percent looking for Black Friday deals the day before. Last year, we even saw brands close their doors on Black Friday, pushing more sales online, and for the first time, we watched as Cyber Monday outpaced Black Friday in terms of online retail sales”.

Strategies to maximize retail marketing efforts BEFORE holiday sales events

Marketing Land

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