Steve Lazuka says, “Smart marketers know that creating highly shareable content is the best way to spread their message for the least money. When your content is intriguing, people not only click on it, but they share it. They want to be in the know, and sharing witty, insightful content is one of the easiest ways to attain expert status and more followers. So help them. Give your contacts great content they can share. It’s a win-win situation. They can share valuable content, and you can build your LinkedIn network and attain expert status in your field.

But how do you set yourself apart from the crowd? What makes some content shareable while other content fails to spark any interest? The following tips will help you to create content to share on LinkedIn that will garner interest and spread your content far and wide.

1. Lasso them with a killer title

On any given webpage, including LinkedIn, readers have many different titles to click on. If you want to corner the market on traffic, you’ve got to create intriguing, curiosity-creating titles. Make sure your titles are not misleading, however. You’ll quickly lose trust with readers if you promise one thing and deliver another. And never underestimate the power of a good title. David Ogilvy famously said, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

So how do you write a killer title?

  •  Use numbers. Numbers promise concise, useful information that readers can use right away”.

5 Tips for Creating Content to Share on LinkedIn


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