Clare McDermott says, “Scott Berinato is the senior editor of Harvard Business Review and author of Good Charts: The HBR Guide to Making Smarter, More Persuasive Data Visualizations. Passionate about the transformative power of data visualization inside organizations, Berinato shares how he uses data visualization at HBR and why he thinks we are living on the cusp of a visual data revolution.

Berinato’s book is a primer for non-experts to understand the basic tenets of data visualization. For both content marketers and business managers, effective data visualization is much more than creating a flashy graphic.

Good charts, he explains, are a way of crystallizing complex ideas into easily understandable and shareable visuals. His book shares the neuroscience behind visual thinking, a planning methodology for choosing appropriate charts and related illustrations, and case studies of companies that use charts to solve complex business problems.

CCO: What’s a real-life example of how good data visualization can be a transformative?

Berinato: One that sticks out for me (and one that I’ve been studying) is Tesla, the car company. They’ve integrated visualization into their operations and way of working. Tesla cars have so many sensors in them — they’re like rolling data generators. What’s really impressive to me is Tesla is beginning to see trends about how people actually drive versus how Tesla suspects they drive”.

How to Transform Complex Data Into Understandable and Shareable Visuals

Content Marketing Institute

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