Joe Goers says, “Every SEO has heard these four words: “I need more traffic!”

It seems that websites are becoming less focused on top-of-funnel content (general informational and educational materials) and more focused on bottom-of-funnel lead generation offers. In my opinion, this is a short-sighted strategy, and one that will not drive a high volume of qualified traffic. Successful SEO programs require website content designed to reach prospects across the entire buy cycle.

Excuses, excuses

When bringing up the idea of having more informational content on a website to better support the SEO program, I often hear:

  • We won’t be able to rank for these general topics and high-volume keywords.
  • This traffic won’t convert.

It seems the fear of “not ranking” trumps the “let’s give it a shot” mentality. This way of thinking can crush SEOs’ creativity and limit your results. By developing top-of-funnel content and providing helpful, educational information, you will be able to rank for specific derivatives of high-volume keywords”.

Successful SEO programs require content that supports the entire buy cycle

Search Engine Land

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