Benjamin Spiegel says, “The rise of content marketing, the push for real-time engagement and constantly growing competition in digital have led to more and more brands trying to become publishers and content creators. So what do you get when thousands of brands try to mass-produce content on a global scale? A million chicken noodle soup recipes and 600,000 identical ways to remove grass stains.

Put differently, you get a content junkyard filled with meaningless and duplicate pieces of garbage.

Marketers often forget to ask themselves key questions like, “Do our consumers actually care?” or “Is this content related to our brand?” or “Is anyone really watching/reading/sharing it?”

We all know the stats. Every minute of every day, over 400 hours of new YouTube videos are uploaded, over 65,000 photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram — you get the idea.

People hunger for content and entertainment, yes. But this has driven brands to become content generators — not creators — and honestly, most of them should not be in the publishing business”.

The 4 principles of great content (or stop dumping garbage on the internet)

Marketing Land

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