Ayodeji Onibalusi says, “Getting your business in front of the right customers is the key to business success. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is one of the most reliable ways to achieve this. With people performing over six billion searches each day, and visitors from search said to be closer to the purchase cycle than visitors from other sources, one would wonder what — if anything — could really go wrong with organic search marketing.

However, not every SEO campaign is created equal. While some marketers see high performing numbers from their organic search campaigns, which includes lead acquisitions and closing actual sales, others only report frustrating and fruitless results that make SEO feel like a waste of effort.

If you’ve invested in driving traffic to your business through organic search optimization but have not been getting tangible results, you could actually be undermining your SEO efforts. If this is the case, you want to watch out for possible areas in your marketing efforts that could end up turning your search marketing strategy ineffective”.

4 Ways You’re Undermining Your SEO Efforts


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