‘The Marketers’ Responsibility In Measurement’ – Forrester Blogs
Tina Moffett says, “B2C marketers have taken ownership of data-driven decisioning from their customer insight colleagues. With the most holistic view of investment, execution, and results, marketers themselves are the ones best equipped to move marketing from gut-feel to results-driven. Thirty-nine percent of marketing measurement professionals in our recent Forrester Wave evaluation revealed that corporate marketing sponsors marketing measurement and optimization initiatives while only 14% indicated business intelligence or corporate analytics groups sponsor. (Source: Forrester’s Q3 2016 Global Marketing Measurement And Optimization Solutions Forrester Wave™ Customer Reference Phone/Online Survey).
Adoption of unified marketing impact analytics (UMIA) is growing as marketers prioritize creating a data-driven approach to marketing investment decisions and realize the importance of maintaining a 360-degree view of customer interactions. The newest organization module of the marketing measurement and insights playbook can help you build a tangible and successful organizational structure for embracing UMIA“.
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