Aaron Strout says, “Six years ago, when Wiley asked me to write a Dummies book on location-based marketing, I was equal parts thrilled and terrified. For one thing, I have several friends who are authors, and I know how much hard work goes into writing a book. For another, we were in the early days of location-based applications, and while new players were popping up every day, there really wasn’t any critical mass.

My co-author and I also were pretty sure that things were going to change a lot over the next few years, so it was hard trying to prescribe best practices while many were still trying to predict where the market was headed.


My interest in location-based applications started with a check-in/photo-tagging service called Brightkite. When it launched in 2007, it was a novel concept; it gave those of us starting to explore social media the ability to check in and find one another at events or in big cities when we were traveling”.

Location-based marketing: Where is it today, and where is it headed?

Marketing Land

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