Brett Williams says, “There are few hallmarks of the holiday shopping season more frustrating than those infamous Black Friday check-out lines.

It’s bad enough to have struggled through the crowds before sunrise in a battle for doorbuster specials. Waiting in line among the mass of other shoppers after the adrenaline has worn off and counting on an overtaxed seasonal employee manning the register to make the process run smoothly is even worse.

There may be one other experience that can measure up on the frustration-scale: an online shopping system delay.

That’s one of the reasons why digital performance management company Dynatrace keeps an eye on the page speeds of the top retail sites across the internet. According to its research, with speed comes sales — but with a slowdown, as little as a 0.5 second decrease in page response time, internet retailers see a 10 percent decrease in purchases as impatient customers abandon their virtual carts“.

You can blame ‘heavy’ webpages for frustrating online shopping delays


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