James Collins says, “It’s often assumed that coupon sites only drive value at the last click. Or they are seen as poachers of revenue that has actually been driven by other marketing channels earlier in the consumer journey.

Nevertheless, shoppers now expect coupons and deals to be readily available for their online shopping. In fact, according to research published by Deloitte (PDF), one in three transactions will involve a coupon or promotion this holiday season.

Should the myths associated with coupons stop brands from using them, potentially prompting them to miss out on business from the many customers who do use coupons? The answer is to let the data make the decisions.

Across the Rakuten Marketing network, we work with a huge number of advertisers and affiliate publishers. Thanks to this network and our proprietary attribution technology, Cadence, we have access to data that provides clarity around the common misconceptions associated with coupons.

Below, I take a look at three myths that surround coupon affiliates and provide some of the reasons why they shouldn’t be taken at face value”.

3 coupon affiliate myths it’s time to stop blindly believing

Marketing Land

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