Samantha Anderson says, “Search engine optimization (SEO) has been the buzzword of inbound lead generation for the past few years. SEO enables you to reach relevant leads and guide them to your Website. However, it is a mistake to focus your efforts on just SEO. SEO is unable to be the lead generating strategy, it must work in concert with other techniques to create sales and build a business.

Many small business owners get trapped into the lead generation cycle and fail to build bridges to convert those leads into sales. Never forget the purpose of SEO lead generation, to find you, potential customers.

The goal of SEO

SEO is not a lead generating strategy on its own. SEO acts as the initial “funnel” that brings traffic but then it is up to the other aspects of your marketing strategy to seal the deal. It improves your website’s prominence on search engine listing, but it does not improve conversions. SEO cannot convince someone to subscribe to a mailing list or purchase a product from you. It is up to your content, quality, website construction, and customer service to accomplish that”.

SEO is Not Lead Generation Strategy

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