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Thursday, March 13, 2025

‘6 ways marketers try to manipulate subscribers and why we should stop’ – Marketing Land

Chad White says, “Brands everywhere are embracing customer-centricity, but many relics of brand-centric thinking are still out there. This is definitely the case in email marketing, where we often vilify inbox providers and second-guess our subscribers’ intentions and intelligence. As we approach the New Year, let’s resolve to focus more on serving our subscribers instead of trying to manipulate them, and to focus more on respecting our subscribers’ intelligence instead of insulting it. Here are six email marketing manipulations that we should stop in 2017: 1. Using passive-aggressive... [...]

‘Data: Mobile drives majority of Black Friday traffic, but PCs dominate sales’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “In the beginning, there was no light, and marketers were forced to rely on “gut feeling” when it came to assessing the success of marketing initiatives. We simply lacked the tools and information needed to scientifically conceive of and measure the effectiveness of our efforts. Even as more effective data analytics tools started to become available, many marketers preferred to trust intuition over the data. Intuition became prized in the C-suite, and taking action based on gut feeling was valued over the hard work of crunching data and formulating rational strategies. As... [...]

‘Google rolls out two new omnichannel metrics’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “Google adds distance and location reports to AdWords reporting tools to help retailers understand where their store visitors come from. Google is bolstering its AdWords reporting tools with an eye toward helping omnichannel retailers better understand which shoppers search online and then visit their stores. That information is important, Google says, because 76% of consumers who search for something nearby on their smartphone visit a related merchant within a day, and 28% of those searches result in a purchase. That’s why the search giant today added distance and location... [...]

‘5 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates’ – MOZ

Lindsay kolowich says, “It’s been years since the power’s shifted away from marketers and advertisers and in favor of Internet consumers. Now more than ever, people are empowered to choose their own experiences online. They’re actively avoiding ad content — and instead of living by advertisers’ rule books, they’re deciding what to click on, what to read, what to download, and what to buy … and what not to. And they have a lot of choices. When inbound marketers like us are looking to generate more leads from our website, we need to think not just about how to capture people’s... [...]

‘3 Ways to Read Your Customers’ Minds’ – Entrepreneur

Maria Ross says, “Admit it. As a business owner, you know you secretly dream about prospective customers or clients reading your sales copy or seeing your Facebook ad and instantly shouting, “Yes! That’s exactly what I need! It’s like you’ve read my mind! Where do I buy?!” Related: The Best Ways to Do Market Research for Your Business Plan What’s the key to packaging up offerings or writing sales copy that instantly resonates with your target buyers? Trial and error is one way to go. As if marketing in general were not time-intensive enough for business owners... [...]

‘4 Surprising Ways You’ll Profit from Building an Online Course’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson says, “I had no idea what I was getting myself into back in the fall of 2009. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was feeling antsy. I had been running my design and marketing business for almost two decades. Over almost twenty years, I had helped every kind of client with every kind of project. Truth be told: I was getting a little bored. And boredom, as far as I’m concerned, is Enemy #1. Up to that point, my business was strictly offline. I had a web presence, but it was a brochure site. You know, a “here’s what I do and here’s how to contact me” website with... [...]

‘7 Tips for Promoting Your Business During This Holiday Season’ – Small Business Trends

SBT team says, “Tis the season for Starbucks red cups, Coca Cola polar bears, the majestic Clydesdales, and more. The holidays are a marketer’s dream come true. If you play your cards right, Q4 can be incredibly profitable for you and your business. Holiday Marketing Tips for Small Businesses 1. Don’t Make Assumptions Don’t just assume that your customers delight upon hearing Christmas greetings. Be sensitive to the beliefs of others. Don’t force your celebration down their throats. At the same time, know your demographic. For example, if you work for a Catholic based charity; religious... [...]

‘Grading Your Prospects? How Lead Scoring Helps Small Businesses Prioritize Sales and Marketing’ –

Nate Kristy says, “For any company, regardless of size and category, an integral part of the sales cycle is the ability to understand where your prospects are in their buying journey – that is, how likely they are to making a purchase. One effective method for ranking your prospects based on likelihood to purchase is “lead scoring.” Lead scoring is likely something you’re already doing, at least informally, without even knowing it. How do you prioritize which leads to respond to first? Which to follow up with? Which get a certain promotion or message? At the fundamental level, the... [...]

’19 Habits to Become a More Effective Salesperson’ – HubSpot

David Ly Khim says, “The other day, a friend who works in sales told me an unbelievable story about her sales team. On the morning of the last day of the month, her team had met less than 80% quota. By the end of the day, they had hit 105% quota. What? I’m sure this is a common experience for the people reading this post, but as a non-salesperson, I was curious … how does that happen? What type of team does it take to make that kind of jump in one day? What behavior makes for an effective salesperson, and by extension, a team of effective salespeople? To answer this question, we studied... [...]

‘New Guide: Facebook Ads for Ecommerce Entrepreneurs’ – Shopify Blog

IR team says, “Most people who use the Facebook aren’t “searching” for a product that will add more value to their lives; they’re searching for that next funny or emotional status update, a trending piece of news or information, or even just a simple distraction. For you, as an ecommerce store owner, this is your ultimate opportunity. The power of Facebook ads allows you to evoke the same emotion and curiosity that people crave when they log-in on their computer or phone—except you’ll be able to introduce who you are, and the value you can bring to their lives. In this guide,... [...]

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