Jacob Baadsgaard  says, “Is it better to do your online marketing in-house or through an agency? It’s an important decision to make.

Now, you should probably know that I’m a founder of an online advertising agency, so I might have a bit of a bias. But I have worked in-house and done my own fair share of hiring agencies throughout my career, so I’ve seen the good and bad of both options.

With that in mind, I’m going to try to take off my marketing agency hat and tell you the honest differences that come with both approaches.

So, agency or in-house? There are basically three differences between marketing agencies and in-house marketing:

1. Diversity of skills

Generally speaking, most online marketers are like Liam Neeson in “Taken.” They have a specific set of skills”.

Is in-house marketing better than using an agency?

Marketing Land

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