‘Grow Your Business: Sell the Outcome, Not the Service’ – Business.com
Sharen Rose says, “You’re a small business owner who provides a valuable service. Perhaps you’re a personal trainer, life coach, or financial planner. If I asked you why people seek out your services, you might say they’re looking to lose weight, get on a better career track, or get help with devising a savings plan they can stick with.
But in reality, those are just means to an end. When a client hires you, there’s usually an underlying emotional driver—perhaps they want to feel attractive again after a divorce, gain more self-confidence to ask for a promotion at work, or build financial stability to start a family.
How can you position your services in a way that taps into the deepest desires of your clients?
The marketing adage “sell the hole, not the drill” is an old one, but it rings true for just about any product you can think of. When buying a frying pan, do you want the pan or the fried egg? When buying a recliner, do you want a chair or somewhere cozy to curl up and read a book on a rainy day?
It’s no different for your business. Rather than marketing your services with offers like “Buy 10 coaching sessions, get one free!” or “Get a free analysis of your cash flow needs!”, think about how you can package and sell your services based on the long-term benefits your clients will experience by hiring you”.
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