Sean McPheat says, “At the heart of every sale is a thorough fact-find. You’ll want to unearth the needs, the wants, and the desires of your prospect so you can present your products and solutions in a way that will be of benefit to them. And the only way that you can do this is to ask quality questions so you can really find out what their current situation is, what their requirements are, and what they are looking to achieve.

Remember, your prospects want a good listening to, not a good talking to! They don’t want to just sit there listening to your monologue of why your products and services are the best. A prospect wants to know that you understand their situation in detail.

Chances are, your competitors are asking questions, but they’re only skin deep. Instead, you need to drill down to the root causes of the issues your prospects face at a much deeper level and demonstrate your expertise on the subject.

Here’s a comprehensive list of 100 sales questions you can ask buyers to get intimately familiar with their situation and formulate potential solutions. If you’d like my complete list of 450 sales questions for every situation, download this ebook.

100 Sales Discovery Questions to Ask Prospects

  1. How can we help?
  2. Could you please give me some background to this?
  3. Why are you seeking to do this work/project/engagement?
  4. Why isn’t this particular service/product/situation/issue working for you right now?”.

100 Sales Questions to Truly Understand Your Prospects’ Pain


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