‘6 Super Simple Tricks for Closing Way More Sales’ – Entrepreneur
Marc Wayshak says, “Few sentences are more frustrating for a salesperson to hear than, “I want to think it over.” Every salesperson knows the pain of this open-ended response. It can cause the sales process to drag on indefinitely with no clear resolution — even after what seemed to be a perfectly smooth presentation.
Fortunately, there are six super-simple selling tricks that can help you close more sales and eliminate the frustration of noncommittal answers. Don’t be one of the many salespeople who overlooks these effective techniques that can help you close way more deals todominate your competition in sales:
1. Know the decision-making process up front.
Before you begin your presentation, ask who’s involved with the decision-making process, what that process entails, and how long the process typically takes. Failing to find out this key information at the beginning of your sales meeting can easily be the death of your sale. There’s nothing worse than getting to the end of your presentation, only to learn there’s half a dozen people you’ve never even heard of who have to approve the decision. This huge pitfall can be easily avoided simply by asking your prospects about the decision-making process up front“.
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