Jennifer Blenchard says, “I used to beat myself up and feel guilty for not getting more done in my business each year.

There were so many awesome content ideas burning in my brain for videos, books, and education I wanted to create. Yet, not much was really getting done.

Sure, I was busy as hell, but my content creation process wasn’t very productive.Then I started working with a mentor who shared her simple daily content creation checklist with me.

By following her version of the checklist, she’s able to create a video, a livestream, a podcast episode, a blog post, multiple social media posts, and additional free education on top of that — every single day.

And all of her content is really, really good.

I decided to give it a try. I created my version of her checklist and then spent a day working through it.

That day was a game-changer for my writing business, so make sure to grab your free copy of the editable PDF checklist I’m going to share at the end of this post.

It could be a game-changer for your content marketing productivity as well“.

Use This Content Marketing Checklist to Skyrocket Your Productivity


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