Joe Pulizzi says, “Each year during my Content Marketing World keynote talk, I highlight one theme I think is critical for all marketers to understand. This year, that theme is commitment. As I (perhaps boldly) stated, you need to go all in or do nothing.

However, the idea of commitment can feel kind of nebulous. It’s a mindset. So what exactly do you need to do? Asked another way, what are marketers who are committed doing differently – and why is this mindset so critical?

Our latest content marketing research report provides some insight into how commitment translates into action, with highlights in the chart below. You can also download Content Marketing in the UK: 2017 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends, sponsored by Tomorrow People, for full details or read on to understand what the most committed UK marketers are doing differently; these lessons are useful for marketers worldwide“.

Want to Commit to Content Marketing? Prioritize the Right Things [New UK Research]

Content Marketing Institute

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