Sean Donnelly says, “A few weeks ago I wrote a post that looked at why marketers need to pay attention to the Internet of Things (IoT).

An Econsultancy subscriber posed some interesting questions in the comments section of that post, so this article is an attempt to respond to his points.

It’s always nice to receive comments and questions on posts as they provide great opportunities for us here at Econsultancy to challenge our own thinking.

In this case, the subscriber asked about the implications of IoT for marketing and in particular digital marketing. These questions provide a nice opportunity to delve a bit more deeply into the topic that perhaps I didn’t do well enough in my first post.

With that in mind, let’s start with marketing.

What are the links between IoT and marketing?

Perhaps this isn’t articulated clearly enough in my earlier post despite my intent. I would suggest that the link between IoT and marketing may depend upon how one views the role of marketing”.

How the Internet of Things will fundamentally change marketing


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