’10 Reasons Why Good Customer Service Is Your Most Important Metric’ – Entrepreneur
R. L. Adams says, “In today’s highly competitive business environment, there’s a constant and never-ending struggle that every entrepreneur must face. Those who can adapt will survive and thrive, resulting in near-boundless financial success and market saturation. Those who cannot see the proverbial forest through the trees, suffer a slow and inevitable death.
The struggle that exists today pits profits against the necessity for total customer satisfaction. The truth? Not everyone lives by the credo that the customer is always right. Not everyone is as concerned with customer satisfaction as others are. But it’s those who don’t relent and cave into the pursuit of profits above all else who ultimately win in this ruthless business climate.
Clearly, for anyone who is serious about “making it,” so to speak, it’s imperative to realize the utter importance of rock-solid customer service. It’s not just about the customer always being right. It’s about treating your customers like you’d treat your family. And that doesn’t happen by talking down to them or looking for any possible way to extract more money from them. It happens by truly going out of your way for them and adding enormous amounts of value to the equation”.
10 Reasons Why Good Customer Service Is Your Most Important Metric
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