Adam Honig says, “Bad habits are hard to break.

After a long day of sales calls, juggling what feels like a million prospects, and filling out endless CRM fields, it’s easy to slip into some bad sales habits. Do you find yourself brushing off a coworker because there isn’t enough time in the day for extra chatter? Or perhaps throwing in the towel just due to sheer lack of energy?

If you want to be a successful salesperson, not only should you use a personal sales assistant like Spiro, but you also need to stop these terrible habits in their tracks. Resolve to quit them now before they screw up your 2017 from the start.

1) Beating yourself up.

In sales, we are faced with rejection constantly. If you are in the habit of seeing every “no” you get from a prospect as a failure, you are going to burn out quickly.

Instead, redefine what it means to fail. If you are able to learn something from a “no,” then is it really a failure?”.

Break These 6 Bad Sales Habits Before 2017


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