Marian Price says, “The days between Black Friday and Christmas pull in 50-100% more revenue than the rest of the year, making it an all-hands-on deck season for marketers. But what if you could make your marketing strategy more efficient and effective without a huge investment in time and resources?

That’s the power of email marketing automation, which allows you to send highly customized, relevant messages to the right people in a timely manner and on a massive scale—a holiday marketer’s dream.

Now is the perfect time to explore the full power of email marketing automation. In fact, nearly 49% of companies have already adopted it.

Here are a few tips to make sure your email marketing automation campaigns are as effective as possible.

Repeat your message

At this point in the holiday season, you should have an idea of which products sell best, or which ones you want people to buy. Creating a message, sticking to it, and staying in front of interested prospects is a great way to increase the likelihood of a purchase”.

Email Marketing Automation Tips for This Holiday Season


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