Blair Nicole says, “An overwhelming number of new businesses hear the term “branding” and run scared in the other direction. There’s a startling misconception that branding is something that only big, established businesses need to worry about. The reality is quite the opposite. Every brand, especially a new business, needs a voice. Every business needs a way to convey to customers and clients what their value is and what they stand for.

A marketing campaign devoid of branding strategy is quite simply a marketing campaign that will fail to deliver. Statistics have proven time and time again, that consumers are willing to pay more for brands they recognize and align with.

The good news is, it’s possible to brand your business in an effective way, even if you’re a small business on a budget. Here are four examples of new businesses that are killing it with branding, and what you can take away from their efforts”.

4 Businesses with Killer Branding Campaigns

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