Brian Hughes says, “A startup business needs a constant supply of new customers to survive. That’s why sourcing new customers has to be a daily priority. If you’re not selling, you’re not in business; all you’ve got is a hobby.

But once you do get that customer base going, your next step is to establish a balance between maintaining current customers and scouting out new ones. And, in that regard, customer retention is usually kinder to your bottom line. This is especially true if you convince your current customers to purchase more often and/or make larger purchases.

Next step? When your repeat customers become your friends, you’ve reached startup nirvana. That may sound like a myth, but it’s not. There are ways to nourish your customer base to the point where it brings in constant and steady income that you can take to the bank.

Your core group of customers, in fact, will always be the bedrock of your business, whether you started it just a month ago, or have been at it for 20 years. Never ignore them. Never exploit them. Never take them for granted. And always treat them like the treasure they really are; for, without them, your business may be cast adrift in an extremely cruel and competitive ocean that sinks your dreams without a moment’s hesitation”.

How to Retain More Customers Without Spending a Dime


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