Tom Burg says, “Compared with just a decade ago, consumers have an unprecedented amount of control over the content they see across all media.

DVR and premium streaming services ensure they don’t have to sit through advertisements; and, as TV falls from its once tall pedestal, mobile is swiftly taking its place. Tellingly, research suggests the new generation of consumers is more influenced by mobile content and advertisements on Snapchat than by typical TV spots.

But, even as some things change, others stay the same.

What has endured the test of time are the four pillars of performance in marketing and advertising campaigns. Remembering these pillars in all aspects of your campaign planning will improve your chance of success.

1. Audience

Your marketing campaign should be focused on drawing audiences from a variety of channels into your brand’s sales funnel. However, identifying and locating the right consumers can be difficult because the data about them is often scattered among different sources. To fully understand your customers, you’ll want to draw from different wells of information (e.g., your online traffic, customer registration, and offline sources)”.

The Four Pillars of Performance for Digital Marketing Campaigns


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