Eric Samson says, “Most internet users have had the experience of having an ad from a site they were previously browsing pop up on the next site they visit. It’s kind of impressive, right?

This technique is called remarketing, and it’s valuable because it allows a business to continue the conversation with a potential consumer in the target audience. If a customer visited a website once, odds are they were at least contemplating purchasing from the site at one point. Through remarketing, the brand is able to maintain a presence in front of prospective buyers, which leads to higher conversions and sales.

Remarketing only works well if you have well-designed ads. After all, if you follow someone around the internet constantly bringing an ugly ad to their attention, you may end up with the opposite of your intended result: someone who is turned off your brand instead of drawn back.

To help you design the perfect ad, I’ve compiled a list of 10 must-know tips for effective remarketing campaigns.

1. Include your logo

You’d be surprised how many ads do not keep the logo in mind when designing. Your logo must be included, and you must keep this in mind throughout the entire design process”.

10 Tips to Design Effective Remarketing Ads

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