‘The Simple Formula You Should Be Using On Every Sales Call’ – HubSpot
Jeff Hoffman says, “You’re midway through a 45-minute demo, and it seems likely you’ll close in this meeting. The buyer is paying attention, asking some questions, and even taking notes.
After you’ve finished explaining how your solution addresses her pain points, you say, “Are you ready to move forward? I can send over the proposal today.”
Instead of saying yes, the buyer replies, “Actually, I’m going to need some time to think it over. Let me get back to you next week.”
She never contacts you or returns your calls or emails. You have no idea what went wrong. During the presentation, she seemed highly interested.
But was she? Many reps assume quiet, inquisitive prospects who seem eager to be educated are also eager to buy. But that’s usually a false assumption. Talking at — rather than with — the buyer makes it difficult to discover their needs, identify their reservations, and gauge their intent”.
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