Melinda Emerson says, “Many small business owners may think they are protected against computer viruses and hacks, but that may not be the case. In fact, too many small business owners don’t do much to protect themselves. There are so many must-dos that accompany running a business that it’s easy for tasks like protecting your IT infrastructure to be placed on the back burner. But the typical IT security problem can cost a small business thousands of dollars to correct, and a couple of days of lost work time per year.

Few businesses can afford to be shuttered, even for a couple of days. Even if your “IT infrastructure” only consists of a couple of laptops, cyber security should be a top priority. Security tools like Sitelock can make this easier.

Small Business Cyber Security

Why Hackers Target Small Businesses

Large enterprises are more likely to experience cyber-attack, but small businesses have been accounting for an increasing proportion of attacks for the past several years. That’s because typical cyber criminals don’t care who they target so much as what they target, which is money.

Furthermore, hackers and ransomware makers often target smaller businesses and startups because we don’t typically have the big cyber security budgets that big corporations do, so they can be easier to infiltrate. If your company didn’t develop a comprehensive cyber security plan for your business It’s time to get a plan together to protect their IT assets as soon as possible”.

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