‘5 things that will make the lives of CMOs easier in 2017’ – Mashable
John Rampton says, “Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) never seem to have enough time to do all of the tasks they need to accomplish in a given day. To be successful, CMO have to delegate and make informed purchase decisions.
Automation has made the work of marketing teams easier, but with so many tools now available, it can be very difficult to find the perfect option for a department’s needs. Selecting the wrong tools, or being a late-adapter can really set a marketing organization back.
In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s more important than ever that CMOs be ahead of current marketing trends, which means constantly evaluating solutions to make sure they address the following five needs.
#1: Cross-Departmental content collaboration
In 2017, great marketing strategies won’t simply be planned. They’ll be carefully designed to ensure the optimum customer experience.”.
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