Michele Linn says, ““Who’s perfect?”

“No one!”

This is a common dialogue I have with my daughters when they make mistakes — as we all do. I’m a big fan of not aiming for perfection but rather trying to be the best version of yourself.

Of course, the same is true with marketers. No one is perfect — and considering the speed at which our industry has been changing — we can all learn from each other. It’s in this spirit of making us all better that Andrew Davis shares his suggestions to marketers in each issue of Chief Content Officer magazine in his column, Unsolicited Advice. (Shameless plug: You can get a free subscription to CCO.)

While we don’t run Andrew’s columns as part of our regular blog schedule, we adore them and wanted to share them with you this holiday season. Enjoy these six insightful letters now or bookmark them for when you have some time. Either way, I guarantee you’ll learn a lot”.

Unsolicited Advice: 6 Letters Every Content Marketer Needs to Read


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