Zak Stambor says, “Shoppers clicking from smartphone search ads account for 30% of total online Orders stemming from search ads, according to an Adlucent analysis of 32 retailers’ Google Product Listing Ad and Extended Text Ad spending over the holidays.

Retailers’ increased paid search ad spending paid off over the holidays, according to data from 32 of digital marketing agency Adlucent’s retail clients for the period of Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 24) to Christmas Day.

Shoppers clicking from paid search ads spent 45% more year over year during that period, thanks in large part to retailers boosting their spending on paid search ads that appear on consumers’ smartphones.

Smartphones accounted for 26% of the revenue retailers generated from paid search ads, up 35% from a year earlier. Tablets accounted for 12% (down 14%) and desktops 62% (down 6%).

Smartphones also accounted for 52% of site traffic that stemmed from paid search ads (up 11%) and 30% of orders (up 35%). For the sake of comparison, tablets accounted for 12% of traffic (down 9%) and 13% of orders (down 16%), while desktops generated 36% of traffic (down 10%) and 57% of orders (down 9%)”.

Paid search sales soar 45% from Thanksgiving to Christmas Day

Internet Retailer

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