Nikki Gilliland says, “Many people like to bake or take photographs in their spare time, but according to new research, a growing number are considering turning their hobby into a full-time business.

A recent study by Wix found that 50% of Brits aged between 25 to 35 are planning to launch an online company in 2017.

So what’s behind this entrepreneurial boom? Here’s more on the study and why millennials in particular are turning towards non-traditional roles.

Startup inspiration

According to Wix’s study, 44% of people would prefer to be their own boss rather than work for somebody else. Which is hardly surprising, I suppose?

However, one statistic that is quite startling is that over a quarter of people believe they could make up to £48,000 pounds a year if they turn their hobby into a business.

That’s quite a bold claim, especially taking into consideration the industries that people are interested in”.

Will the digital skills gap hold back young entrepreneurs?


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