Sarah Quinn says, “Sales are the bread and butter of any business. It’s important to remember that your relationship with a customer does not end simply because money has changed hands. If you work in sales, then you know how difficult it is to acquire and build a relationship with a new customer.

Research has discovered that 44 percent of companies have a greater focus on customer acquisition versus 18 percent that focuses on retention.That’s crazy when you consider it costs five times as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one!

Help them to better use your products

When someone buys a product or service from you, your customer base increases which is cause for celebration. You shouldn’t celebrate too soon, you need to make sure that customers are happy with their purchase.

If customers don’t like what they buy, this could result in bad news for your business. Unhappy customers return products. And, when it can cost almost double the amount to return a product into the supply chain as it does to deliver it, returns are something you’re going to want to avoid”.

2 Ways to Delight Your Customers with After-Sales Content Marketing

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