‘5 digital marketing trends that will die in 2017’ – Mashable
Josh Steimle says, “As Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
He might as well have added that it’s a near certainty that writers will trot out lists of predictions at the beginning of any new year. I won’t exempt myself from that rule, but whereas many are content to predict new trends, I’ll restrict my predictions to those trends I believe are dying, unless they get some major form of life support.
1. Twitter!
Will Twitter become the new MySpace? While it may be too early to say goodbye to Twitter, we all know it’s struggling while Facebook and Snapchat continue to grow. Twitter’s share is 27.3% among all social media users, a decline compared to previous numbers. Although the return of Jack Dorsey may herald a wave of improvements, Twitter has been languishing for years now, and it may be too little, too late. The company made minor changes last year, like not counting images and video toward the 140 character limit, and has hinted at more changes, but it will take more than a little bit of flexibility to woo new users”.
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