‘B2B Commerce Not Keeping Up with Expectations’ – Website Magazine
Amberly Dressler says, “The way in which business buyers research, shop and support themselves in their buying journey very much reflects how they shop in their everyday lives – a trend that has given way to “B2B e-commerce,” which Forrester predicts will top $1.1 trillion in sales by 2020.
Those catering to business buyers have a complicated road ahead of providing a commerce-like experience for self-service, ordering, omnichannel capabilities, customized pricing, subscription management and, on the other side of the business, in-depth customer profiling and tracking to market to these very savvy buyers relevantly. In fact, CloudCraze recently released its “2017 B2B Digital Commerce Imperative” study finding, unsurprisingly, that B2B businesses selling online struggle to drive significant revenue online because commerce needs are highly complex”.
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