Tina Moffett says, “Over the course of my career–as a marketing analytics practitioner and as a Forrester analyst–I’ve tried to tackle some of the most pressing questions around measuring marketing’s effectiveness. I’ve seen a recent surge of marketers using the metric “engagement” being tossed around as a way to measure marketing success. When I start to question what they mean by the term “engagement” and how they measure it, I’m often met with a flurry of answers, including a running list of metrics–such as likes, shares, or time spent on site–that marketers think are strong indicators of engagement. My colleague Samantha Merlivat and I decided to research the topic of measuring engagement and we just published Measure Marketing Engagement Right Or Not At All. In this report, we share Forrester’s point of view on measuring engagement including:

– What does engagement mean?
– Which metrics are strong indicators of engagement, and
– Should marketers even measure engagement?

It’s important to first distinguish between types of engagement. Customer engagement is the marketing Holy Grail — it determines the level of involvement and influence a customer has with a brand over time”.

Marketers Are Measuring Engagement All Wrong

Forrester Blogs

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