Matthew Torren says, “For most blog, news, and content website owners, ad revenue is essential. It feeds the budget required to deliver the content that your readers have come to depend on. Unfortunately, in the quest to increase ad revenue, many site publishers have fallen into the trap of adopting aggressive ad placement strategies that wreck the user experience and trigger the tremendous ad blocker adoption rate that now threatens the industry’s survival.

Many content companies have responded by trying harder to cultivate relationships with readers, but site owners are also under pressure to demonstrate measureable returns on ad placements. Advertisers are raising concerns about ad “viewability”– the likelihood of an ad actually being seen by a human being. The days when publishers could rely on ad impressions are rapidly coming to a close. Traditional metrics are simply too imprecise to be useful measurements of an ad’s effectiveness.

Meeting these challenges requires creating a “win-win-win” scenario for all industry stakeholders: website owners, advertisers and audiences”.

Good Content Is the Only Solution to Ad Blockers


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