Patricio Robles says, “On Thursday, Snapchat filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to go public.

The move, which has been anticipated for some time, paves the way for the biggest initial public offering (IPO) since Facebook made its debut on the NASDAQ exchange in May 2012.

Snapchat’s S-1 filing with the SEC revealed lots of information about the company and its business. Here are 10 of the most interesting titbits.

Snapchat’s revenue is pretty big and getting bigger, but its losses are pretty big too

Snapchat is generating just over $400m in revenue annually, up from just under $59m in 2015, but it lost $514m last year, up from nearly $373m in 2015. While such losses are not uncommon for fast-growing consumer digital media company, and Snapchat has raised”.

10 interesting things from Snapchat’s IPO filing 


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