Marry Wallace says, “Marketing automation tools empower marketers to create high-return campaigns that have a specific message based on a prospect’s needs. Using targeted messages coupled with strong content, marketers can effectively engage and escort leads down the buying cycle to a sale.

Campaigns are most effective when both content and message speak directly to the buyer’s needs. This means multiple campaigns are essential to address different (specific) needs. Each campaign focuses on leads that are grouped together based on their pain points.

Grouping or segmenting leads is the process of defining and subdividing leads into clearly identifiable slices that have similar needs, wants or demand characteristics. Two market segmentation strategies are using behavioral information (think digital body language) and using demographic information (think company size, industry and so on).

This is such a simple concept, but when the rubber hits the road, building and managing segments is rather complex”.

Solving a marketer’s top 3 segmentation dilemmas

Martech Today

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