Dave Davies says, “We all know that the holidays are fast approaching. In just 10 short months, we’ll all be gathered around home and hearth; in just nine short months, the chaos of filling that home and hearth with a wide assortment of colorful boxes, trees or candles will begin.

Regular readers will remember that last November, I published an article on last-minute SEO for the holidays. As a quick refresher, here’s what I advised might impact a site’s rankings with just weeks to make a difference:

  • Making sure your Google My Business is present and accurate
  • Optimizing your titles and descriptions for click-throughs
  • Optimizing for long-tail keywords
  • Hijacking rankings — that is, buying advertising on sites like Yelp that might already be ranking and where buying ad space is cheaper than AdWords”.

It’s time to get ready for the holidays (Yes, really!)

Search Engine Land

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