‘5 Overlooked Metrics Your Agency Needs to Measure for a Profitable 2017’ – HubSpot
Marc Wayshak says, “Running a business takes everything you have. Entrepreneurs pour their creativity, passion, effort, savings — their everything — into their work. And five years after they start, half of them are out of business. A decade later, two-thirds have called it quits.
But why?
For marketing firms, I believe it comes down to a lack of diligent measurement. Sure, measuring and tracking may not be the sexiest part of running an agency, but it’s the only way to ensure you’re not throwing money away.
Commit to tracking these five things in 2017, and you’ll have your most profitable year yet.
5 Metrics Your Agency Should Measure in 2017
1) Adjusted Gross Income per Full-Time Equivalent Employee
Determining your number of full-time equivalent employees (FTE) is a convenient way to measure labor. To do this, denominate employees into 40-hour-a-week units. A full-time employee is equal to one FTE. A 20-hour-a-week employee is 0.5 FTE”.
5 Overlooked Metrics Your Agency Needs to Measure for a Profitable 2017
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