‘6 Tips to Building a Stronger Brand Using New Media’ – Entrepreneur
Ann Smarty says, “Branding has always been important, but it’s never been as essential as it is now. Thanks to the internet, your potential customers are being flooded with dozens — if not hundreds — of different buying opportunities every hour.
While quality, cost and execution will all play a role in a customer’s decision, trust remains the key way to win the sale. Branding is one of the most important things you can do to win trust, so it’s important you do it right.
Here are five simple tips for marketing your brand with new media.
1. Spend moments on execution, but months in prep.
For your company’s branding to really work, it will need to be more than just a name. A logo, tag line, tone of approach and color scheme can be important.
Consistency in these choices is just as important as the choices themselves. A decision to change any element of your business brand can undermine a lot of hard work, so be willing to take your time — months, if needed — to decide exactly how you want to present your brand”.
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