‘How to Plan Your Email Marketing Strategy’ – AWeber
Liz Willits says, “So you want to get started with email marketing? Good choice.
Email is pretty darn powerful. In fact, for every dollar spent on email, businesses earn 38 dollars in return on their investment.
But before you start growing your email list or sending emails, it’s important to have a plan. With a plan in place, you’ll have a better sense of what you need to do and who you need to target.
According to research conducted by Content Marketing Institute, 62 percent of businesses that document their content marketing strategy consider it to be effective. In comparison, only 32 percent of businesses with an undocumented, verbal content marketing strategy believe it’s effective.
Similarly, documenting your email strategy means you’ll be more likely to stick with it, reach the right people and achieve your goals.
To start email marketing the right way, read this post and take the simple steps outlined to plan your email marketing strategy. Then, use your plan to guide your email strategy and make your business blossom”.
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