Wayne St. Amand says, “It’s that time of year again. After ringing in the new year, 2017 arrived with new media budgets, strategies and plans. The first two months of the year are riddled with change and discussion, and many brands miss the opportunity to market to customers on social media — for a bargain price. In fact, research shows that after the spike in ad costs during the holiday season, January and February ad costs dropped by up to 40 percent when compared with costs in November and December.

With less competition for shopper attention and lower costs, the first quarter of the year is an opportunity to get ahead. Brands should beware of failing to act fast in the new year. Below are ways to start getting in front of consumers quickly and hit the ground running.

Retarget ready audiences

Many brands get tunnel vision about the holiday season. But, remember — not all hope is lost after Christmas Day. Plenty of shoppers opt to buy gifts after the holiday shopping season ends because they know they’ll score great deals”.

2017 is here: Don’t dawdle. Double down on social media ads now

Marketing Land

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