Marc Wayshak says, “Are your prospecting emails ignored all the time? If the answer is “yes,” you’re not alone. Most salespeople today struggle to write sales emails that convert to actual business.

But before you take it personally, try putting yourself in the shoes of your prospects. High-level prospects receive hundreds of prospecting emails every single day — personally written ones, not spam or bot emails. No one has the time to carefully read that many messages! Your prospects have no choice but to scan them all and quickly decide what’s worth their time, and what’s not.

If your email doesn’t make the cut right away, it’s lost forever. Luckily, there are surefire ways to get your emails read by any prospect, so you can crush your sales goals. Check out these five powerful secrets to writing sales emails that your prospects will actually open and read:

1. Focus on the subject line and first sentence.

Far too many salespeople spend all their time crafting the message body of their sales emails, and then they quickly slap on a subject line at the last second”.

5 Secrets to Writing Sales Emails That Prospects Will Reply To


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