Casie Gillette says, “If you’ve been working with one client or one site for a long time, you know it can be challenging to keep things fresh, both from an idea perspective and also an interest perspective. After all, it’s no secret that one of the common reasons people love this industry is the constant change.

That being said, while change keeps us on our toes, there’s also an element of consistency I love. Yes, the search results change and strategies evolve, but at the end of the day, search really comes down to creating something that’s accessible, useful and important to your customers.

Enter keywords.

I’ve talked about keywords plenty of times, and guess what? I’ll probably talk about them after today as well. Why? Because keywords are the foundation of any SEO program. They help us understand how our customers are searching and help us ensure we give those customers the information they want.

Yeah, yeah, Casie. We get it. We know why keywords are important. Why are we talking about this?“.

Keyword SWOT analysis: Finding your content opportunities

Search Engine Land

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