Mareo McCracken says, “Do you know the difference between a value offer and value proposition? Your competitor might.

In order to stop losing sales, you must win the buying process. The best value will always win. Your value is determined by the customer. It is your job as a salesperson to help them understand the value that they might not be able to see, especially if price is the major factor.

A value proposition summarizes why a customer should use your product and defines the value they will receive. It is typically short and generic. These statements can be powerful and impactful in the early stages of the buying process. The value proposition doesn’t actually add value; it might show the possibility but doesn’t add anything.

Tony Hughes of RSVP selling says:

“Your value proposition must therefore be focused on specific and tangible benefits for the customer, and directly linked to the resolution of their specific problems or opportunities – the bigger the better.”

A value offer on the other hand is specific; it is account-based and tailored to each buyer”.

How to Create a Value Offer That No One Else Can Compete With

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