SBM team says, “What’s Happening?

An update will soon come to the conversion tracking tool in AdWords. Since 2001, AdWords has used “Converted Clicks” to track whether or not users complete desired outcomes on ads and websites. Historically, converted clicks have shown whether or not an ad click led to the desired action on your website, and will be retired in its simplicity.


In its absence, the “Conversions” section within AdWords will remain, becoming the default tool for measuring user action. This is better, because Conversions tracks behavior across a bigger stretch of events (think: multiple clicks).

Wait, Wasn’t This Supposed to Happen in September?

Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) originally stated that converted clicks would be retired on September 21, 2016, but posted on Google+ Thursday, February 8 that it would be retired in March 2017″.

What Should Your Business Do When Google Retires Converted Clicks?

Small Business Trends

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