‘How to Collaborate With Your Prospect to Close More Deals’ – HubSpot
Aja Frost says, “Working with your prospect during the sales process makes you far likelier to ultimately close.
Not only will they feel more invested in the deal after they’ve done some work, they’ll also feel beholden to you — after all, you’re their partner.
In addition, the results of your collaboration (whether that’s a sales plan, a personalized demo, a marketing strategy, or an implementation program) will help you win internal support. Imagine a buying committee choosing between three products. Two of the vendors gave straightforward presentations, while the third showed up with a presentation that used the company’s real data and quarterly objectives. You can imagine which pitch will be the most compelling.
Lastly, the more familiar your prospect becomes with your product, the less work she’ll have to do after she buys it. That means less risk and a greater sense of security.
Use these four strategies to turn your prospect into your collaborator”.
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